2008年11月6日 星期四

What kind of pet would you most like to have and why?

My favorite pet is cats, but I don't have any of them. I like cats since I was a senior high school student. When I found that most of them have some lovely behavior, like they rub people (or things) lightly and they have strong curiosity about everything.

Lots of Chinese don't like cats because of many reasons. Some of people think cat looks evil because of that their eyes are light in the dark and their voice sounds like baby crying. The black cats are associated with the unlucky omen in Chinese and in the East. And Chinese also think the cats and dogs with white soles or white tail as an unlucky symbol.

The thing comes different when people choose to have a pet as a friend or their child. Dogs are very friendly and faithful. They are really the best friends of people. But they also need their human friends spends lots of time on playing and walking around with themself. Cats are unsociable. They always stay home all day and they can have fun easily by anything which can move. I think people choose cats to be their pets because cats are independent and don't need to spend much time to take care their pets.

I love cats but I couldn't have them. One of the reasons is my family. My mom is afraid of cats after suffering attack by the big spot cat, who was the wild cat but lived in our house before I was born. It scratched my mother's legs when it was hungry. This is the story that caused I couldn't have a cat at home.

I dream to have cats after getting my place. So I ask my boy friend if he allows my requirement-to have a cat. If not, I think I can have it only in my dream and it will be a pity.

2008年10月31日 星期五

What is your favorite book and why?

My favorite book is named EI Alquimista(牧羊少年奇幻之旅 in Chinese) which talked about a young boy who following his dream. I read this book when I was a college student. At that time, I thought I was lost and didn't know what could I do and where could I go in the future.

It was exactly talked about dream. A young sheepherder thought about his dream which was going the holy ground and finding the treasure which buried in this place. He met a old man, who told him that he needed to follow his heart to make his dream come true. And he gave the boy two stone which could help him make a decision when he has no idea.

Here was the sentence he told the boy, "When you really want something, everyone in the universe will help you to make it." After talking, young boy made the decision by these stone and started his travel to find the treasure.

This is my favorite book because it's talked about a boy who got lost and didn't be sure if he should to follow his dream. Once he deciding to follow his heart, he didn't hesitate anymore.
It was to remind me to think what I want. Which future I want to be? When I felt lost, I didn't try to find out what my soul said. I just felt worried and tried to figure out what could I do in the future and which career might be fine, but I forgot to talk with myself. It let me know I should try to listen to my heart and I would find my way.

Finally, the boy found his treasure which was in the place he herded in the beginning. Sometimes the dream was so far, but actually it was very closely. You need to start to find it our or you never know what you really want. By the way, the stone, which he got them at first and helped to make a decision, he never used them to make decisions after his travel starting. When he decided to follow his heart, he didn't hesitate anymore.

I think book is something which could feed your soul when you feel hungry and empty. And this book is the one you should take a look, especially you forgot your dream.

2008年10月25日 星期六

Self Introduction

Hi! I'm Edith. Nice to meet you. I joined this class to improve my conmunication and writting. Wish I could learn more writting skill and not so nervous when presentation.